Our beginning...
In March 2001, a group of Dryden Middle School parents who were attending a Mother/Daughter book club decided to start another reading group for the parents. And so the Dryden Book Club in Dryden, NY began.
Going strong...
The Dryden Book Club meets once a month, typically the last Tuesday evening, to share impressions of the book selected for the month. Often discussions lead to a diversity of interpretations and sometimes to strong debate. The location for the meetings varies with one member providing the location and another providing the snack for the evening.
Once a year at a club meeting, books are selected for the upcoming year. At the December meeting, members enjoy an evening of snacks contributed by everyone and an exchange of wrapped new or used books by way of a fun "Yankee Swap".
Since 2001, the group has selected 247 books to read from historical fiction, to memoirs, to classics, to nonfiction. The variety of books keeps the monthly discussions lively and offers club members reading suggestions often outside of their typical selections.
est. 2001